AC mistakes to avoid
Although their function is pretty simple, air conditioners are fairly complex machines that rely on several components to work properly. Even a small mistake can have huge ramifications for the whole AC unit and your home comfort. Here are 10 of the most common AC mistakes to avoid.
1. Improperly sized systems – bigger is NOT always better. An oversized unit will cycle on and off leading to inefficient power usage and uncomfortable temperature changes. An undersized unit is equally problematic. Without enough cooling capacity, your unit will wear itself out and fail to keep your home comfortable.
2. Incorrect AC positioning – the location of your ac unit has a big impact on its energy efficiency. Find a shady spot – the less direct sunlight it gets, the less power it will need to cool your home. In addition to being in the shade, it shouldn't be blocked by shrubs or other objects.
3. Running AC 24/7 – it may seem easy to just let your AC run full blast all day long, but doing so will waste a lot of energy. If the house is going to be empty for most of the day, turn your thermostat up when you leave. You can turn it back down when you get home, or install a programmable thermostat.
4. Not running AC at all – shutting off your AC unit when you go on vacation or are away for long periods of time is not wise. Instead, set your thermostat a little higher and let the AC unit run a few times during the day.
5. Incorrect thermostat settings – if you are comfortable at 75 degrees and your thermostat is reading 80 degrees – DO NOT set it to 70 to cool quicker. This just makes your unit work harder and possibly freeze up.
6. Not using celing fans – a ceiling fan helps the air conditioned air in your home circulate better.
7. Not changing the air filters – these should be changed monthly – although some high efficiency filters can last 2-3 months.
8. Letting outside air in – when your AC is on, don't open doors or windows. Your AC unit will just work harder to pull the humidity out of the air.
9. Not providing routine maintenance – here at LHT Cooling & Heating we recommend you have your system cleaned in the Spring and the Fall.
10. Not fixing emerging issues – today's tiny problems become tomorrow's big expenses.