The Right Air Filter Improves Indoor Air Quality
A well-meaning homeowner buys an “allergy” filter from their local home improvement store hoping for better air quality in his home. In many cases, the filter is so restrictive that they compromise the cooling or heating of their home or in the worst case, they blow out their compressor. So they call their HVAC technician and he removes the filter and magically the air flow returns. The inevitable conclusion they come to is that the allergy filters are bad and should not be used.
As a general rule, a properly designed HVAC system can handle an allergy filter without any problems. However, many systems have been installed with an inadequate return. An independent study showed that two-thirds of the systems installed do not have sufficient return air. Consequently, these units are not able to overcome the increased resistance of the more efficient filters.
The first step to increased efficiency filtration is to have your HVAC system properly designed and installed. But what can you do with your exsiting system in place? Use filters that are efficient , yet still have low resistance and provide good air flow.